لمحبي الكرة المستديرة في الجزائر

هل أنت من محبي كرة القدم وبالتحديد  الجزائريين هل تهوة الكرة المستديرة  هل تريد تريد الأطلاع على جميع المباريات  هنا و من هذا المكان و تحديدا من هاتفك المحمول تستطيع الطلاع على جميع المباريات والدوريات , ماعليك اخي هو الدخول الى هذا الرابط انقر هنا و ادخال رقم هاتفك جيزي او موبيليس  ويمكننا عيش اللحظات الرائعة معا 

Why You Don't Need Laxatives for Weight Loss or Colon Health

Why You Don't Need Laxatives for Weight  Loss or Colon Health

 Digestive health is easy to maintain, and you don't need laxatives to maintain great colon health. Learning what your best proteins are, and combining them in your genetic zone of eating, you can keep being happy healthy and IBS free,even through old age.
Taking laxatives is dangerous for your health. Removing electrolytes from your body can damage your brain and cause seizures. Suppose you are driving and have a seizure. This could take your life unnecessarily.
Taking laxatives can have a rebound effect on your small intestine and colon. Your small intestine cannot absorb the nutrients your body needs, and the colon will stop working naturally, when it is being told when to work. This can lead to a damaged colon which has to be cut out and attached to your stomach with a colostomy bag to the outside for waste collection.
Taking laxatives causes your kidneys to shut down. When you remove all the water from your body through your colon, there is no reason for the kidneys to work, and they can shut down, causing you to have to go on dialysis.
Lastly, taking laxatives, can damage your heart. The electrolyte balance must be maintained for healthy signaling and rhythmic beating. Removing all the electrolytes from your system damages this delicate balance.
Learning how to fine-tune your eating for your best digestive health, starts with a book to learn which proteins work for your genetic blood type. Next learning which zone will work for you can be done by a simple genetic test. Are you low carb, or low fat. Are you balanced, or Mediterranean? Do you feel better eating protein, or vegetables?
Do you have any genetic aberrations, that could cause you to need additional nutritional support is another thing the simple genetic test will tell you. 40% of the population has MTHFR and eating the foods you need to support this condition will keep your colon clean and you happier and healthier.
Depending on supplementation can cause problems, because over supplementation, can cause a buildup of folic acid in the system, leading to cancer or an auto immune disease.
Learning how to manage your portion sizes, so you can help your colon heal. You may then learn how to maintain your best aging weight as well as keep your colon happy.
A happy balance of proteins and vegetables, for lunch or dinner.Fruits and fortified cereals with almond milk or fruit with yogurt or quinoa. You pick what you like best.
Learn which proteins are best for you, and which to avoid. Being open to change helps, because change is necessary to keep belly fat off.
The free newsletters, where you can get free coaching, and learn how to fine tune your eating.
The first tool the Pathway Fit Genetic Test, a cheek swab, Here
And the primary list of highly beneficial and avoid foods for your specific genetic type. Here
Starting with these two tools together, you will learn which proteins and which highly beneficial low glycemic high fiber foods, your body needs, and which "zone" to eat in to find your best weight loss and maximum health.


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